Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 *VIDEO*

Hello World,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oh boy. I have been looking forward to leaving 2019 behind for good. It has been such an "adventurous" year to say the least. If I could describe the past year, I would need to write an entire book. hehehe. I've actually had many people tell me to write a book. Maybe one day, when I've gathered enough courage to make it happen. Better yet...when God opens doors for me, I'll walk through them. :)

Instead, I'm going to describe 2019 as a year of --TRUST. Despite all of my circumstances, I've had to learn to trust God the whole way. Only through that trust in my Redeemer was I able to make it to the year 2020. As I said my final prayer of 2019 and first prayer of 2020, my heart was overwhelmed with the greatness of God in my life. He's been so good to me! It's hard not to cry when I think of the Lord and all He has done for me.

On New Years Eve, I was able to testify to another person of how God carried me through cancer and the treatments. They asked me "how did you do it? Work and go through chemotherapy? Wow, you're just" My response was "God is the only reason I was able to do it. He's the reason why I'm here today." I thought it would get awkward, but I was again reminded of His plan. We began to bond over the Gospel. A comment they made sparked the conversation even more into glorifying the Lord. She said, "you know when I think of these situations and circumstances, I think of Job." I just smiled and said, "it's funny you mention Job, because he was in the last sermon I preached before getting diagnosed; and anytime I felt alone or down, I would think back on it. I've realized that sermon was entirely for me. God was speaking to me." Over the next hour, I discovered this person doesn't congregate anymore, but was raised in the church. We bonded over our childhood with parents who served the Lord. I don't know what seed was planted, but I felt God having me in His hands once more. He put me in the right place with the right person. I guess He's not done yet. ;)

So, I've decided to start the year 2020 testifying of the victories I've had for God's glory. One of the hardest things for me during my cancer treatment was hair loss. Yeah, I know. It's just hair...I used to say the same thing, but it was more startling than I had imagined. There were days I would just stare into the mirror and cry. I didn't recognize the person looking back at me. It was frightening. I was so insecure that I would hide it from EVERYONE, except my nephew David. However, I trusted the Lord to help me overcome it. Through the help of many people around me, I was able to fix myself up to look semi-normal. I just wanted to feel like myself again. I didn't want people feeling pity for me or starring at me, because it really was jarring. My niece would ask why I wouldn't just walk around without my hats. I responded that I wasn't that confident. More power to the ladies who can do it. I have so much respect for them. I thank the Lord for all of the resources and helpful friends and family who made that part of my journey a little easier. Now, I can say God is SO GOOD! Normally, I would keep this very private, but you've invested in seeing me be restored back to health, so I'm going to share this intimate clip. In less than a month off of chemotherapy, my hair began to grow.

It's made immense progress, glory to God! Only God can make that happen my people! This year can only get better! :) I know this may not seem like a big deal to you, but it's a reminder to keep trusting the Lord as He continues to redeem me. All I can ask is "what did I ever do to deserve His love and mercy?" If you're in a similar situation as me, just know God can! God can heal you! God can restore all that you've lost! God can give you the strength you need to make it through each day! God can use your circumstance for His glory! God can turn what may seem like your worst moment into a moment of victory! Yes, God can my friend! There is nothing impossible for God, and with God you can do ALL THINGS! The Bible doesn't say SOME things. It clearly states ALL things! Rejoice my friends, because God can! He did it with me, and He will do it with you as well. Simply trust Him! So, goodbye 2019 and HELLO 2020! May all of your hearts desires come true this year, and blessings pour into your lives! Happy New Year! Let's do this!



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