Another Day, Another Victory

Hello World,

Thank you for all of the love and support you've shown since hearing about my last chemotherapy treatment! It has been such a great feeling to be free from it.

So what's been happening?

I am still dealing with chemo damage, but I won't complain because anything at this point is better than being under that treatment.

A few weeks ago, I had an MRI. I had requested to be tested before making a decision for surgery. The night before my MRI...I felt anxious. What would I do if the tumor and cancer still appeared on it? Would I allow myself to move forward with this drastic surgery? What if the tumor was gone? Would they believe God had done a miracle?

I braced myself for all of it, but I just cried. I know at this point I'm just a big baby. As I cried, I kept talking to God. I felt overwhelmed. I felt vulnerable. I was afraid. I was sad, because I still was feeling pain in the area. I put on worship music and had an honest conversation with the Lord. Finally, I decided to go to bed. As I lay there, I felt a tingling sensation in the area of the cancer. I noticed it, but I ignored it.

The MRI process went smoothly and I met with my surgeon for the results. The MRI came out clear. The tumor was completely gone. The lymph nodes also had an amazing response to chemotherapy. It was all I needed to know that God had given me the victory. God had done a miracle. I don't believe I shared it on here, because it was a very...special moment for me.

The surgeon did not believe...she still wanted to move forward with the aggressive preventative surgery. We argued and I requested a biopsy. She suggested that only a pathology report could tell her the cancer was gone. I needed peace of mind and I need to show her what I was feeling deep down...something happened that night and God had done a miracle. I left her office feeling discouraged and upset.

Fast forward a week to the biopsy. It was not a fun experience. It was way more painful than I had expected, and I wasn't numbed enough during the whole thing. I wanted to yell at someone, but I knew they needed the samples to prove it was gone.

I was sitting in an educational training, when I got the call. I didn't answer. After the training, I listened to the voicemail explaining the biopsy report came back with no live cancer!!! Immediately, joy filled my heart...gratefulness came in form of tears and words of gratitude. I felt the weight of cancer lift from my shoulders. My surgeon sounded happy for me, because she knew I was waiting for this confirmation. I could finally make a decision about surgery without feeling like I was making a mistake. I could finally be at peace with my choice.

God is good!!!

Another day, another victory. "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour."- Psalms 8:4-5

So what's next? I have preventative surgery at the end of September. I've moved my surgical team to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. I don't know what will happen after that day, but I know without a doubt in my mind that God is in control. All of your prayers were never in vain - to God be the glory!!!

Although I'm still having immunotherapy and my body is slowly bouncing back to before chemo, my faith has become more secure in the Lord. My process isn't over yet, but I am in a much better place. I thank God for His love and mercy over my life. He really loves me. ;)



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