Building Blocks for the Soul
Hello World!
I'm back! Again...and again...and again. Let's face it. This is our complicated relationship. lol. At any rate, I have so many things I want to share, but I have to introduce them at the right time. In God's time. If you don't know, this is my lifestyle blog. I have a fashion/beauty blog as well, but I'll have to post something new later. It's kind of hard to always be an open book, especially when so much is going on in my life. Nothing is consistent, but I am at peace with all of the changes.
Through this journey of changes, I am discovering my love for reading again. As some of you may know, I teach. As a Kindergarten teacher, I know the building blocks for reading, but I've recently discovered the building blocks for the soul. As a Christian, many would say the Bible! Can I be honest? Sometimes, the Bible can be hard to read. I also hate the subject of history...or I thought I did until one of new york's times best selling authors put it into perspective for me. Now, I enjoy it. I'm so excited to share this author with you. Let me preface it with saying that it by no means replaces the Bible, but rather reinforces the Bible's history in the same way that I would break down phonics for a Kindergarten class. I can relate!
I had stopped reading books after college. I was so burnt out from having to read all of the time. I didn't really care to pick up a book. It was only during the pandemic that I rediscovered my love for reading. I started purchasing books, and I would start a book with the determination of finishing them. I read a total of ONE book. hahaha. I know so sad. You can laugh. I did. lol.
One day, I was browsing in books-a-million, and came across a book that was on sale. I had been thinking about my future plans, and books-a-million had become a coping mechanism when I was upset. I would just go into the store and browse to get my mind off things. I would open books and I would tear up...not because the books evoked my emotions, but I was so overwhelmed by my own hidden thoughts and feelings. One day, I came across this book titled "Traveling Light" with a small subtitle stating "Releasing The Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear." I choked up at the title as I thought about my future plans. My future travels...
I needed to prepare to travel light within the next year. I felt the book calling my name. It just jumped out at me like God wanted me to run across this book. I purchased it, and it stayed in my back pack for weeks. Until one day I decided to just give it a try. I was hesitant to read it, because I had a feeling it was going to force me to deal with things. It was going to force me to face the truths of my life. I cried. I cried and cried and cried. Chapter after chapter. Tear after tear. Page after page. In the silence of my home, I would break down. My poor dog Rocco would sit next to me and lay his head at my feet. It felt like he was trying to comfort me. I even had to buy multiple boxes of tissues. One for my room, one for the living room, one for my car etc, because I knew any time I read this book it would confront me in the most meaningful way. It was meant for me.
I heard God speaking to me. I saw God working in me. I felt God embrace me as He unloaded my burdens. I got a taste of His grace and unconditional love. All of my senses were heightened as I encountered the truth of the Bible, the truth of God's love, and the truths happening in my life.
Since then, I have read book after book by this author, Max Lucado. I can't seem to get enough. I've even reread some of his books like "Before Amen." I laughed reading "Cast of Characters." He knows how to take the Bible, simplify it, relate it, and then turn it into a building block for the soul. Each book gets better and better. I'm not sure of his scope or sequence, but I don't think it really matters because they somehow encompass your current situation. Minister Lucado gets it.
So, I thought I would take time to share this author with you. Maybe you need some biblically based encouragement, motivation, reality check, comfort, etc, and you love reading or want to read more. I would 100% recommend any book by Max Lucado. Grab a cup of coffee/tea, a box of tissues, your bible, his book, and a notebook. It will be one of the best hours of your life! It is also a good foundation for christian journaling, because he has study guides to help reflect and organize your thoughts! You don't have to thank me later. Just thank God for such wonderful christian authors like Mr. Lucado. With God's guidance and help, he has helped create some of the most important building blocks for my soul. My luggage already seems a lot lighter, and I haven't even begun packing...
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